The just-released issue of the MELUS journal is a special number devoted to "Multi-Ethnic Poetics," ably edited by Meta Jones and Keith Leonard. The issue includes essays by Michael Dowdy, Robin Trembly-McGaw, Laura Trantham Smith, Samina Najmi and Amor Kohli along with poems by Evie Shockly, Hermine Pinson, Martin Espada , M. Nzadi Keita and others.
My own contribution is a lead essay titled "Now that We Know . . . ," which is a version of a talk I gave at the University of Louisville a few years ago. The essay takes up questions of the genealogy of deconstruction and their relevance for contemporary poetics.
I was not, however, able to include the recordings and images I used in the public presentation in the journal version. Here offered is a sampling of some of the images to supplement the essay.
Your library probably has the journal, but you can click through to subscription info here.