Thursday, January 10, 2019

MLA 2019 - Chicago

Good to return to a Chicago wrapped in good weather after having spent two days snowed in at O'Hare in November.  This year I was locked in an interview suite for most of the conference, but that was like attending a two day symposium with brilliant younger scholars (by which I only mean younger than me) who work in African American literature and ethnic studies, centered in the ever-longer 19th century.  But I did get to a few sessions, including one on teaching Williams and another on teaching theory courses.  One highlight was seeing  Jerome McGann again after quite a while, and seeing him work on early American materials.

Instead of my usual conference paper, this year I was enlisted in the "Humanities in Five" experiment.  Here you can see me posed with my fellow five minute ravers.  I'm proud to say I explained myself in a bit less than four minutes, one of which was given over entirely to my blues harp explaining itself.

[additional cell phone photos by Rosemary Feal and Janet Lyon]

1 comment:

rosemary said...

Don't forget Buddy Guy! It was a pleasure to catch up with you, Aldon. I wish I were near you so I could audit all your courses!