Click on the part number to navigate to the videos.
Part 2 - Carlos Soto Roman, Kim Gek Lin Short and Jacob Russell
Part 3 - Angel Hogan, Ish Klein and Gregroy Laynor
Part 4 - Nava EtShalom, Ryan Eckes, Sueyeun Juliette Lee and LRSN
Part 5 - Norma Cole, Rod Smith and Frank Sherlock
Part 6 - C.A. Conrad and A.L. Nielsen
Part 7 - Bob Perelman and Suzanne Heyd
Part 8 - Emily Abendroth, Laura Moriarty and Evie Shockley
Part 9 - Pattie McCarthy, Ron Silliman and Thomas Devaney
Part 10 - Rachel Blau DuPlessis, Tyrone Williams and Jenn McCreary
Part 11 - Carla Harryman, Kate Lilley and Steve Dolph
Part 12 - Chris McCreary, Jennifer Scappettone and Lisa Howe
Part 13 - William Howe, Charles Cantalupo and Julie Phillips Brown
Part 14 - Norman Finkelstein, Mel Nichols and Aaron Kunin
Part 15 - Jamie Townsend, Michael Hennessey and Chris Carrier
Part 16 - Eric Selland and Barrett Watten
Part 17 - James Shea, Sandra Lim, Mecca Jamilah Sullivan and Danny Snelson
Part 18 - Michelle Taransky, Herman Beavers, Adrian Khactu and Julia Bloch