Robert Glasper is wrapping up a month long residency at The Blue Note, featuring different configurations all through October. One night it was a Miles Davis tribute, another featured Glasper with Christian McBride and Nicholas Payton. There was a special Houston night featuring Kendrick Scott and Michael Moreno. Mid-month, Robert was on stage with Yasiin Bey (Mos Def).
Derrick Hodge on bass
Justin Tyson on drums
Amidst the terrors of this past week, I was in New York for poetry and music. Couldn't think of a better way to follow the Lorenzo Thomas celebration at the Poetry Project with its all star cast of poets in tributes to my great friend than to head on down to the Village to catch the performance. It was good timing for me, as Glasper is closing out his residency with his current band, all seen here in action.
Christian Scott Atunde Adjuah on trumpet
Taylor McFerrin, "sounds" -- here with his father, Bobby McFerrin, and Robert. Bobby imrpvising around the phrase "you're pretty good at that."